Monday, August 3, 2020

Mr.CEO - Here`s the Deal!...

Chapter -8

The Waseers…

It's 11:30 AM, and we all gathered at CEO`s Office wishing each other, Mr. Rahul came up with a surprising issue, as he had a conversation with Mr. X in Delhi, stating that they have the offer already on their plate.  It is not so easy to grab their plate as something big is involved.

I asked, “Mr. Rahul, did you find out about the offer?”  

He said, “It been hard but tried, it`s Five %” of the bid.” 

Yash gasped, “OMG! That’s too much Money.”

Aravindh said, “Generally it ends at three, but this went too high, something odd.”

Yash asked, “Rahul is the source true & authentic? Can we trust him- blindly?”

I said, “There is no room for any Trust in the money business, just guts & instincts and it works for me.”

Rahul Said, “Yes, I checked with some front-end sources as well”

“Then?” I stopped.

“Then what?” Yash pushed the files before him.

“Then we need to persuade him,” I said.

Aravindh said, “Not so simple Lekha”

“Yes it`s not, but we are moving it with a Better Deal.”

“What Better Deal?”

“We are offering eight %,” I said.

“What!” All of them yelled at me once. I hear.

“Guys, Just Calm down, we have some margin left while quoting, and we are going to make use of that now, and this is phase one, two more phases to be called. So we play cards for the rest of the two biddings as well. But this has to be done only in person.” I added.

“Means?” Rahul asked.

“We are not doing any recorded deal with Mr. X, it`s by meeting him in person and closing very quietly, and the percentage will be delivered once the confirmation of payments,” I told him.
“So, Rahul please message him to arrange a meeting discreetly and let us know the details by evening” Aravindh ordered.

Its 1:30 PM, we dispersed for lunch, and gathered by 3:00 PM, Rahul was finally able to arrange a meeting with Mr. X in the hotel Marriot Delhi. Time 5:30 PM two days from now.

Yash told, “So we are offering them eight percent and pushing the file for clearance along with the next two biddings, so  that`s our ask, Ms. Lekha?”

“Certainly yes,” I replied.

Aravindh doubted, “Folks! Are we being played here?”

“Then set me in, I will do small homework on this, and settle,” I said.

“How?” Aravindh asked.

 “I and Mr. Rahul would like to approach MR. X, in person, and let things confirm that were we being played or positive.”

Aravindh abruptly said “Nope! You are not on the field, and that is not what you are here for.”

 “I agree why I am here, but the game changes on demand, and trust me I can assure you a confident report on the ground and make this happen. With most of the contacts and private sources.” I asked.

“Sorry Ms. Lekha, Rahul, please confirm the meeting, with Mr. X, you and I were moving tomorrow evening, Ms.Lekha please arrange the itinerary,” said Aravindh

Yash and Rahul seem okay with my proposal but Mr. CEO shows no interest and closed the meeting.  They both left the room, I and Aravindh sitting opposite working.

“You may leave.” He said.

“Aravindh please think, we badly need this opportunity, to construct the Ray Infra back, I agree I lost your trust, but not on the work side. I am truly good at my job, believe me, and set me in this.” I request.

“Ms. Lekha, it would be better if you stay on the verge. Your part of the job is done. Decisions are above your grade, better you back off and have no more discussion on this. Thank you and you may leave for now.” He firmly said.

“I know how to turn you, Aravindh,” I said and left.

Its 4:30 PM I came back to my chair and settled my things and asked Preethi to call Venkat for pickup.

Told Preethi, “If I am asked by the boss, tell him I am sick and see him tomorrow morning.”
“Okay Madam” She is jittery by my move.

 I reached the car and we drove to my flat. After the car left, I booked a cab and drove to the place where I wanted.  

The next day morning it was 10:30 AM, and I see Rahul & Yash jogging to CEO`s Office, I told Preethi to check & inform him about the Delhi flights for the evening, two Tickets, for Mr.CEO & Mr. Rahul. And accommodation for two in Hotel, Le Meridien, New Delhi.  Preethi is on her job right away, I hear the intercom buzzing, and I was called inside for the meeting.

I walked inside, and observed a radio silence in the room; I asked “what happened?”

Rahul turned and told, “Mr. X is out of the game and he is not responding to the calls.”

“So what’s next?” I asked.     
“We are approaching some other channels, do you have any?” Yash asked.

“Actually I have one but,” I said.

“But what?” Aravindh Curious.

“But only if I deal” I shrugged.

“What? Come on Lekha, not a fun time.” Mr.CEO said.

“Nope Mr. CEO, The only Leverage to be in this game,” I said. 

“Then, I knew a firm which makes this kind of deal, like  off- the record so coolly, but they charge us high & at a stretch irrespective of the deal.”

 “That’s fine if it works, you can deal on your own, but who it is we are dealing with? Yash asked.

“It’s  Waseer`s,” I said.

“What? The Waseer`s & Co”, Aravindh & Yash  Yelled.

“Yup!” I shrugged.

“Man, that`s big, and we can assume we have a deal,” Yash said.

 Aravindh went frozen; yes I caught them they are the big fish in this line of business. So I am confident.

“If you are okay I can make some calls & fix the meeting ASAP,” I said.

Rahul said, “Alright…. please inform us once the meeting is fixed.”

 11:15 AM, I went back to the office and said, meeting fixed, with the firm, 11:30 AM two days from now. I and Rahul were assigned to go to Delhi & Meet our new friends. Our flight tickets and accommodation particulars are prepared by the evening, here`s the schedule, the next day morning, the flight to Delhi, stay in the hotel, courtyard by Marriott Gurugram Downtown. Two deluxe rooms were booked, as Ray group has corporate with Marriott. 

6:30 PM Intercom buzz! received a call from the CEO to meet him. I am expecting, of course, to go to his cabin. He is sitting relaxed on the couch and asked me to sit with him. I sat a little far from him but comfortable.

He asked, “What`s Going on Lekha?”

I Pretended, “What`s Going on?”

“Why don`t you be honest with me,  It`s you, I know, that Mr. X is out and Waseer`s is in? Did I underestimate you?” He asked.

“Yes I agree, you could have trusted me a little more, and you have no clue, what I am capable of Aravindh,” I told.

“So, You are holding something, what are you hiding from me & why are you here? Lekha?” He questioned.

“What are you talking about Aravindh, I came to work & doing it well with conscious,” I replied.

“Okay, and then let me know how well you know The Waseer& Co.” He asked.

“Is it that Important to know Aravindh? I asked.

“Yes, It is.”

“Then Listen, I have already worked with them twice, of course, privately & I have some friends with common interests.” I partly lied.

“What Common Interest, Lekha?”

“Aravindh enough, stop doubting me, we need the job to be done & it will be done.” I stood to leave.

“Lekha just Remember, one mistake I am going to sway you” he warned.

I smiled & said, “Done.”
The next day we both left for Delhi and I had a decent meeting with the firm of course, the deal went well on our terms. And within a couple of days, we both were back in the office.

It's Monday 12:00 PM, Received a mail from the CEO.

E-mail: 12:00 PM.


Sub: Welcome to Presentation Visits.

Dear Ms. Lekha

Congratulations! We were been called for Presentation visits from the coming month onwards. Please read the annexure and follow as said, I have informed the team, and will have a meeting tomorrow in the first hour.

Thank you
Mr. CEO. Ray Group.


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